LET US PUT A Smile on Your Face.
Welcome to Urbana and Darby Dental Smiles. Our expert dentists and caring staff are here to help you with all your dental needs. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. We offer complimentary consultations, second opinions, and resources to help you make the best decisions about your dental health.

PATIENT Resources
Welcome to Urbana and Darby Dental Smiles. Our expert dentists and caring staff are here to help you with all your dental needs. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment.
We provide affordable payment options for all of our patients. We are happy to bill your dental insurance company on your behalf.
If you do not have insurance, take advantage of our Wellness Plan to ensure you receive the dental care you need.
Adult Wellness Plan
- 1 routine cleaning every 6 months
- Regular exam with each cleaning
- Fluoride treatment with cleaning
- Oral cancer screening with cleaning
- 1 set of routine X-rays per year
- 1 emergency exam with X-ray per year
- 15% off any General Dentistry
- $500 off Comprehensive Orthodontics
Child Wellness Plan*
- 1 routine cleaning every 6 months
- Fluoride treatment with cleaning
- Regular exam with cleaning
- Oral cancer screening with cleaning
- 1 set of routine X-rays per year
- 1 emergency exam with X-ray per year
- 15% off any General Dentistry
- $500 off Comprehensive Orthodontics
*Age 12 + under
High-risk Wellness Plan
- 1 periodontal maintenance every 3 months
- 2 regular exams per year
- Fluoride treatment with cleaning
- Oral cancer screening with cleaning
- 1 set of routine X-rays per year
- 1 emergency exam with X-ray per year
- 15% off Nonsurgical Periodontal Treatment
- 15% off any General Dentistry
- $500 off Comprehensive Orthodontics
In addition to included regular dental visits, members receive a 15% discount on fees for any additional dental treatment. Examples of discounted services:
Implant Restoration
Root Canals
Periodontal Therapy
$33 per month
$389 per year for annual renewal
$18 per month
$210 per year for annual renewal
$64 per month
$761 per year for annual renewal
MAKE A Payment
You can now make payments online.
AFTER CARE Instructions
IV Sedations
Please follow these steps for the 24-hours post sedation.
- Do not drive any vehicle or operate dangerous machinery for at least 24 hours following your appointment. Someone must drive you home from the Dental Office and take you all the way to your residence. This is very important, because all drugs, including anesthetic agents, slow your reaction time. Even though you may think your reactions are normal, they will be affected.
- Be certain someone is with you when you walk from the Dental Office to your car and from your car to your home in case of dizziness.
- You are advised to rest and relax the remainder of the day—at least 12 hours.
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages or take tranquilizers or sleeping pills for the next 24 hours. Drink clear fluids (apple juice, soup, broth, ginger ale, etc.) until you are certain there is no nausea or vomiting. Then eat as desired or instructed by your doctor.
- Do not make critical or legal decisions or do anything that requires you to be alert or coordinated for the next 24 hours.
- Take prescribed medication only as directed.
Implant Care
A dental implant has just been placed in your mouth. The implant is located in the bone, under the tissue, and usually cannot be seen. The implant will remain submerged for a period of 4-6 months, depending upon your body’s healing properties and the type of implant placed. Please follow these steps after your implant procedure:
- Never use a water pick near your implant immediately after surgery. It can cause the implant to fail.
- 2 weeks following your surgery, you will need to have your sutures removed and be examined by the doctor.
- If you wear a partial, denture, flipper or Essix retainer, you may take it out to brush, eat, use the surgical post-op brush or use saltwater rinse. – Keep the appliance as clean as possible at all times. You may soak it in Efferdent cleaner, brush it lightly, and rinse it clean.
– You will need to wear it during the night while you’re sleeping on the very first night of the day you had surgery. After the very first night of wearing your appliance, you should take it out every night after that, it will help tissue to heal. (Unless you have been directed otherwise). - No vigorous rinsing, spitting, or sucking through a straw for 24 hours after your surgery. It will prolong healing time.
- No smoking: You can’t be around anyone who does smoke for 3 days. Smoke, nicotine, and heat, slow down your healing time and can cause the implant(s) to fail.
- No alcohol: Do not drink alcohol for 30 hours after your surgery. We also advise not to use rinses with alcohol in it until the sutures are removed, as it will dry out the tissues and prevent healing.
- Saltwater Rinses: Do saltwater rinses 3 to 4 times daily for two weeks after surgery. Use ½ teaspoon of salt in a 6-ounce glass of warm water. Be very gentle when doing so. Hold that side of your mouth and tilt your head side to side vs. rinsing. Lean over sink and let the water fall out. Do not spit.
- Use an ultra-soft toothbrush: Use the brush given to you 24 hours after your surgery to cleanse and stimulate the tissue. It will not harm the sutures. Dip the brush into the saltwater rinse and brush directly on the surgical site. Sutures should be brushed at least twice a day.
- Antibiotics: If an antibiotic has been prescribed for you, it is extremely import that it is taken until gone. If you develop hives, rash, itching or difficulty breathing, please stop the medication and call our office and your doctor and go to the nearest emergency room. Please follow prescriptions given to you prior and after your surgery.
- Pain: a certain amount of pain is to be expected with all types of surgery. A pain medication has been prescribed for you, take it as directed. – It is advised that you do not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking the medication.
– Motrin/Ibuprofen/Advil- these are all the same type of medication. Please take 600mg every 4 to 6 hours following your surgery for 3 days. This type of medication is not only for pain but is an anti-inflammatory as well, which will help with swelling. If you are not able to take this type of medication, take Tylenol Extra Strength 500mg every 4 to 6 hours for 3 days.
- Swelling: Some swelling is to be expected and bruising may occur. In most cases, swelling can be prevented or controlled. – Please use an ice pack applied to the outside of your face on the surgery side for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off following the procedure. It is best to use the ice pack for 24 to 48 hours following your surgery.
– If after 3 days you still have swelling or pain, please call our office. If urgent, and it is after hours call our office and an emergency number will be provided or your call will be forwarded. If not, please leave a message and we will return your call promptly.
- Bleeding: You will experience a small amount of bleeding and this is normal. If it is excessive (blood filling your entire mouth within seconds) please call our office.
- Diet: Soft cold things are OK right away such as: Jello, pudding, yogurt, milkshake, ice cream, Frosty, Carnation Breakfast, or Ensure. – Do not eat/drink anything hot the day of surgery, but you may have warm and soft food such as: Mashed Potatoes, Eggs, Soup, Broth, Soft Noodles.
– Avoid chewing on the implant site until the doctor or staff informs you that it is OK to do so.
– You may have other foods days following that are more normal although it is up to what you personally can tolerate. No chips, nuts, or anything sharp or chewy like gum or hard bread.
Sinus Evaluation/Bone Graft
A bone grafting procedure has just been completed for you. Sutures have been placed to hold the tissues together during healing. Two weeks after surgery the sutures will be removed, and you will be examined by the doctor.
Usually you are able to continue wearing your present partial or flipper. Sometimes it is necessary to leave it in the night of surgery. It is important to keep appliances as clean as possible during the healing period. You may need to use denture adhesive to hold your partial or denture in place during healing. Avoid placing adhesive directly on the suture line.
Every consideration must be given to keep the surgical site clean and free of food particles. The following are instructions for your mouth care after surgery.
- If an oral sedative has been given to you, you are not allowed to drive a car or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours following. It is advised to have someone with you during that time or until your sedation completely wears off.
- No vigorous rinsing, spitting, or sucking through a straw for 24 hours after your surgery. It will prolong healing time.
- No Smoking: Smoking is to be avoided for the time specified by Dr. Kile since it increases the heat in the surgical area and significantly lowers the body’s ability to heal.
- Avoid alcohol, commercial mouth rinses and very hot fluids and foods for 30 hours after your surgery. Room temperature to cold is adequate.
- Rinsing: Gentle rinsing of the mouth should be started the day after surgery. Frequent gentle rinsing with lukewarm saltwater will aid the healing process and maintain cleanliness. Add ½ teaspoon of salt to 6 ounces glass of water. Avoid using a water pik.
- Brush adjacent teeth to the surgical site gently. You can brush the rest of your mouth normally.
- Pain: a certain amount of pain is to be expected with all types of surgery. A pain medication has been prescribed for you, take it as directed.
- It is advised that you do not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking the medication.
- Motrin/Ibuprofen/Advil- these are all the same type of medication. Please take 600mg every 4 to 6 hours following your surgery for 3 days. This type of medication is not only for pain but is an anti-inflammatory as well, which will help with swelling. If you are not able to take this type of medication, take Tylenol Extra Strength 500mg every 4 to 6 hours for 3 days.
- Swelling:
- Some swelling is to be expected and bruising may occur. In most cases, swelling can be prevented or controlled.
- Please use an ice pack applied to the outside of your face on the surgery side for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off following the procedure. It is best to use the ice pack for 24 to 48 hours following your surgery.
- If after 3 days you still have swelling or pain, please call our office. If urgent, and it is after hours call our office and an emergency number will be provided or your call will be forwarded. If not, please leave a message and we will return your call promptly.
9. Bleeding: You will experience a small amount of bleeding, and this is normal. If it is excessive (blood filling your entire mouth within seconds) please call our office.
10. Blowing Your Nose: Do not blow your nose, just wipe. If necessary, blow very gently with both nostrils open. If you need to sneeze, do not hold it in, but sneeze with your mouth open.
Tooth Extraction
After a tooth or teeth extraction, it is important for a blood clot to form to help stop bleeding and aid in the healing process. Apply pressure using gauze for a minimum of 30 minutes, until a clot forms and bleeding has stopped.
Do not rinse vigorously. Do not smoke. Do not drink through a straw, and do not spit for 5-7 days. Once the blood clot has formed, it is important to not disturb or dislodge the clot. These types of activities could result in a “dry socket”.
- Icing the affected area is recommended and can be used for up to 24 hours after surgery to reduce inflammation and bruising. Apply the ice pack intermittently for 20 mins on / 20 mins off the face in the area of the extraction.
- After 24 hours you can gently rinse with warm saltwater (3-4 times daily) avoiding vigorous swishing and spitting.
- Limit vigorous activity/exercise for the first 24 hours as this may cause more bleeding.
- To prevent bleeding and swelling, elevate your head with extra pillows or sit in an incline position while resting or sleeping.
- If bleeding is persistent or increases, apply additional pressure with clean gauze or a damp tea bag over the affected area for 1 hour.
- Brush remaining teeth as normal, paying extra attention to be gentle by extraction site.
- Bruising to the gum tissues and/or face may occur after surgery.
- Drink plenty of fluids and eat soft/cold foods. Avoid any foods with small seeds or sharp edges.
- Take prescriptions as directed. Mild pain can be managed with over-the-counter medication. If pain cannot be managed comfortably and is severe, please contact our office.
SCHEDULE AN Appointment
You can schedule online today.